For the fifth time in a row, Alcaplast has been awarded in the Best 100 Czech Companies contest. Despite the actual state of emergency and related restrictions, the ceremony took place according to plan in the Spanish Hall of Prague Castle. Lukáš Vozdecký took over the award on behalf of the company's owners Radka Prokopová and František Fabičovic.

"We have made a great job together with our employees in 2021 even though we had to face the tornado, an economic and raw material crisis and two waves of a pandemic. Despite all the obstacles, we have successfully met the new business challenges and continued to grow. I understand the award mainly as an appreciation of our active approach to all the difficulties that this new era brings, and I thank all employees for their support, "commented Radka Prokopová, Executive Director of Alcaplast.

The award has been handed over by Comenius company in the Best 100 Czech companies competition since 1996. The aim of the competition is to find and raise the profile of Czech companies from a various economic sectors that achieve excellent or extraordinary results.

See which other companies, together with Alcaplast, have placed in the ranking: